A Blind Day

Game by Evgeny, Jason and Mason

Project Description

The Problem

The theme of the hackathon during the WiCS and WEG Hackathon at SFU on November 2015 was creating application for the disabled.

The Proposal

To create a puzzle game where you had to navigate the game based on audio cues activated through the position of your cursor. This game was to be suited for the visually impaired and it allows people to feel how it is like to be visually impaired.

The Process

A Blind Day was created using Visual Studios, C++, and Microsofts Text to Speech API.

My Role

My part in this project was not well defined. I basically helped whenever I was needed. I mainly worked on the "Room" Scene and a little bit of the "Bathroom" scene, using Microsofts Text to Speech and making functions for the different objects.



Every screen is made gray so that the user won't be able to see where to navigate to and would have to use the audio cues provided.

Behind the Screen

Behind the screen are objects that give audio cues and commands when the cursor comes in contact with them.


I'd love to hear your thoughts!